Roberto Maieli

I am Associate Professor of Mathematical Logic (s.s.d. MAT/01) at the Department of Mathematics and Physics (DMF) of "Roma Tre" University with a qualification as Full Professor (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale a Professore Ordinario nel settore 01/A1 - Logica Matematica e Matematiche Complementari). I have previously been Assistant Professor (Researcher) of Computer Science (s.s.d. INF/01) at the DMF (2004-2017), at the Computer Science Department of University of Roma "La Sapienza" (2001-2004) and at the Institut de Mathematiques de Marseille (2000-2001). My main research interests are Mathematical Logic and Theoretical Computer Science.

Department of Mathematics and Physics
Roma TRE University
Largo San Leonardo Murialdo, 1
00146 Rome (Italy)
Room 206 (2nd floor), Building C
Ph. : +39 06 57 33 84 19
Fx. : +39 06 57 33 80 72
@ : maieli(AT)